Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Infographics: Billion Dollar Companies That Originated from Garages

From the Visual Capitalist:
The heroic story of going from somebody’s garage to being worth billions has got to be one of the most compelling tales within entrepreneur and startup folklore.

It shows that one potent idea can be so powerful that it eclipses all the other factors.

Entrepreneurs that are a part of this “garage-to-riches” story do not start with $20 million in the bank. They do not typically have proven and accomplished technical teams. They must resort to building their new enterprise with elbow grease and ingenuity. They must make up for a lack of capital with hard work and discipline – but most of all, conviction.


The following infographic shows the legendary companies that had humble beginnings with a close proximity to the toolbox and the family car. From media conglomerates to the world’s most visited website, here are the multi-billion dollar companies that were started in garages:
As a side comment: The garage to riches entrepreneur model is more than just a potent and powerful idea, in reality such signifies the conversion of transformative or even disruptive ideas into products and services that provided huge benefits to consumers  with which the same consumers had been willing to pay for. These products and services essentially delivered significant consumer surpluses. And their size and heft had merely been a manifestation of how consumers has rewarded them, or how consumers reciprocated with the products and services provided by the said entrepreneurs through magnified profits. Such are the wonders of the marketplace

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

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