Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Chart of the Day: China's Transitional Bubbles

Two Sundays ago, I presented a deck of charts showing the progression of China’s multiple bubbles as consequence to over $2 trillion of annualized credit expansion in her system [see Chart Porn: The Chinese Yuan’s Mounting Dilemma]

These asset bubbles haven’t occurred simultaneously, but have manifested transitional phases. Or, excessive and destabilizing speculations move from one asset class to another. 

Of course, bubble activities highlight on the concentration of speculative activities or the concentration of flow or direction of resources.

The chart above from SocGen essentially represents a condensed version of my various charts. Hat tip Bloomberg’s Haidi Lun

Definitely a watershed moment in history.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Historic Crossroad: As US Stock Markets Etch Superfecta Record Highs, Global Short Term Funding Strains Intensify!

Sure, US stocks continue to not only hit NEW records but carve such milestone with a violent (BW-SSO strain) MELTUPs!

And because four of such indices set a landmark last week, fresh records have been adulated like a horse race “superfecta” win! (USA Today November 22).  

Yet the last time these four indices accomplished the same milestone was in December 1999 (“Wall St.’s record century”, CNN Money December 31, 1999). Three months from then, meltUP morphed into meltDOWN or the dotcom crash.

Of course, each chapter of history ipso facto is unique. Hence, history definitely won’t repeat, instead, it will most likely rhyme. That’s because even if general conditions are different today from the past, the conditions that undergird every bubble remains the same: malinvestments financed by credit inflation!

Yet it’s a curiosity to see the acclaimed glory from the “superfecta” moment accompanied by growing divergence of powerful economic and financial forces from within and without.

For instance, while developed market equity benchmarks have been on a tear, market breadth has reportedly been materially deteriorating.

Noted Eric Bush from the splendid Gavekal Blog, (November 21): “More than one out of five developed market stocks and more than two out of five emerging market stocks are in a bear market (down over 20% from a high) in the past 200 days. In the developed market, the percentage of stocks in a bear market has doubled from just 11% in late September to 22% as of Friday’s close. EM stocks have fared worse as just 18% of EM stocks were in a bear market in late September and now 44% are in bear market.”

I have pointed out that it’s not just US stocks, but likewise the US dollar that has been racking up sharp gains.

The pulsating surge by Japan’s stock markets has been fueled by a 3 week winning streak by the US dollar against the Japanese yen which according to Bloomberg (November 25), accounted for the “biggest three-week gain versus the yen since 1995”. See another record of sorts!

Over the past three weeks or since the culmination of US elections, the Nikkei 225 racked up a scintillating 11.4% return while the Topix 8.7%!

The violence in the movements of currency and equity markets has only crescendoed!

This week’s continuing US dollar strength has driven the Chinese yuan to a new 8 year low!

From the ShanghaiDaily.com (November 26): “THE yuan continued to depreciate yesterday against the US dollar to hit its weakest point since June 2008. The central parity rate of the yuan weakened for the third straight trading day by falling 83 basis points to 6.9168 against the US dollar yesterday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trading System. In the past 15 trading days, the yuan ended down 14 days and rose only once against the greenback. On Thursday, the yuan dropped below 6.9 against the greenback”.

And it’s not just the yuan, emerging market currencies (and bonds) the Turkish lira and the Indian rupee have hit historic lows (Reuters, November 24).

Meanwhile, the Malaysian ringgit seem as rapidly approaching the Asian crisis low (Financial Times, November 24)
It has not just been currencies, emerging market bonds had recently been dumped as shown by the JP Morgan’s Emerging Market Bond Index (EMB) chart above. EMB’s crash has been accompanied by a spike—record volume (orange rectangle).

EMB’s top 10 issues shown (below window)

Last week, I showed how the Chinese financial system had been experiencing strains as the yuan wobbled. It turned out that China’s central bank, the PBoC pumped 990 billion yuan (145.6 billion U.S. dollars) back then, according to China.org.cn (November 21), yet interbank rates still soared. In short, PBoC’s liquidity easing measures have hardly alleviated pressures building within its financial system.

And for this week, along with the falling yuan, rates almost across the Shibor curve (as of November 25) continue to soar!

Meanwhile, volatility tantrums persist to plague Hong Kong’s offshore yuan HIBOR rates!

The 1 and 3 month rates have scaled back up to near January 2016 highs! Even the Overnight rate has experienced the largest string of volatilities in two years! (chart from Analystz.hk)

Such mounting interbank tremors can also be seen in Europe and in the US.

In Europe, due to increasing shortages of collateral, the European Central Bank reportedly plans to lend out its inventory to the marketplace. From Reuters.com (November 23): “The European Central Bank is looking for ways to lend out more of its huge pile of government debt to avert a freeze in the 5.5 trillion-euro short-term funding market that underpins the financial system, central bank sources told Reuters. The ECB has bought more than a trillion euros ($1.06 trillion) of euro zone government bonds in a bid to shore up economic growth and inflation in the euro zone. For the most part the bank is holding these bonds. By doing so, it has taken away the key ingredient for repurchase agreements, or repos, whereby financial firms lend to each other against collateral, typically high-rated government bonds such as Germany's…Germany, the only large euro zone country with a top-notch credit rating, is where the problem is at its most severe. With the ECB now owning more than a quarter of all outstanding German bonds, funds pay up to 1.5 percent to borrow a 10-year Bund, up from some 0.40 percent a year ago, according to Icap data. This is putting a strain on investors as they face increasingly frequent demands to put up cash or liquid collateral against their derivative positions due to new regulation.”

Soaring equity markets as credit markets experience increasing symptoms of gridlock, astonishing divergences, right?

Ironically, the ECB came up with their updated financial stability review. Here they identified the four biggest risks to financial stability over the next TWO years.

The ECB’s four biggest risks, as noted by the Business Insider UK (November 24): 1)Financial contagion stemming from political uncertainty — "Global risk repricing leading to financial contagion, triggered by heightened political uncertainty in advanced economies and continued fragilities in emerging markets." 2) A vicious circle between banks not making much money and not being able to grow — "Adverse feedback loop between weak bank profitability and low nominal growth, amid challenges in addressing high levels of non-performing loans in some countries," says the ECB. 3) Debt sustainability — The ECB said that "re-emerging sovereign and non-financial private sector debt sustainability concerns in a low nominal growth environment, if political uncertainty leads to stalling reforms at the national and European levels." 4) Investment funds — These funds, which are a supply of capital belonging to a group of investors that are used to buy securities such as stocks, are seen as risk factor. "Prospective stress in the investment fund sector amplifying liquidity risks and spillovers to the broader financial system," says the ECB.

So much risks being discounted by markets that apparently has become jaded to risks.

Yet US short term money markets have also been revealing of deepening signs of strains.

US Libor rates have not only been climbing, but the recent ascension appears to be accelerating. USD Libor curve or 1, 3, 6 and even the 12 month can be seen above ramping up (12 month not included).  

Much of the rise in LIBOR rates had earlier been blamed on 2a7 or the Money Market Reform. But the 2a7 reform took effect last October 14. And instead of declining USD Libor rates even accelerated upwards!

The TED Spread, an indicator of credit risk, is measured by the price difference between short term US (3 month) bills and 3 month Eurodollar futures. TED spread has begun ascending in 2H 2015 and has spiked in September. Though the measure of credit risk has eased, the TED spread remains substantially elevated, and importantly, still has been in an uptrend.

In short, the above indicators, which appear in consonance with China’s financial conditions, emerging market rout, put into spotlight signs of decaying global liquidity conditions that have only amplified the US dollar “shorts”.

And US inflation expectations as shown by the 5-year breakeven inflation (lowest window) continue to streak upwards.

If inflation expectations continue to mount, then the US Federal Reserve may be incited to increase rates at a faster pace than what the market expects.

And this would only aggravate signs of tightening monetary conditions. But of course, I have deep reservations on such course of action.

Add to signs of tightening conditions, global bond yields have been climbing for the past three months (see left, chart from Forbes) as central banks appear to be reconsidering further employment of QEs.

The alleged Trump deficit spending and increased inflationary outlook have only aggravated increases in bond yields

The selloffs in US Treasury and other fixed-income instruments had only induced rotation towards US stocks (Reuters November 25). Yet such entails of a critical narrowing breadth of risk assets headed higher.

And with the limited number of upside trend chasing activities, the rotation dynamic has only provoked a violent MELTUP in developed economy stocks.

And yet sustained higher rates are likely to serve as the proverbial pin that would burst the credit-fueled “superfecta”, as evidenced by S&P 500’s record debt to EBITDA (right chart from Zerohedge), or Trump’s Big Fat Ugly Bubble.

Current developments which are not only marked by magnified volatility through violent market actions but by its extremeness have been indicative of a historic crossroad in progress.

To paraphrase what has been said as a Chinese curse: We are truly living in the most interesting times!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Donald Trump’s Big Fat Ugly Bubble: Vertical Price Actions Emerge as Four US Equity Benchmarks Hits Record!

I operate on the understanding that stock markets operate on cycles.

And cycles merely signify repetitive patterns of human action. Or put differently, this showcases history repeating itself. Or in a more somber description, cycles are what philosophers George Santayana warned as “Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes” and Aldous Huxley’s “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”

I have highlighted that endgame phases of stock market cycles that tend to be excessively violent. 

The charts above illustrate such dynamics.

And in terms of the culmination of a classic boom phase of a bubble would be vertical liftoffs similar to what I would call the Philippine experience: the BW-SSO syndrome.

Eventually vertical prices suffer from Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Underneath this would be the operating principle of the mean reversion.

And curiously, signs of such vertical price actions have emerged in the US stock markets. 

Vertical prices has engulfed Mid and Small caps, bank and financials, transportation and semiconductor. And all these has originated right after the presidential elections

Yet aside from the above, four major US bellwethers hit a fresh record today…

Will history repeat?

Interestingly, wouldn’t present developments in US stocks be an absolute irony considering that President elect Donald Trump repeatedly denounced the US stock market as a one “BIG FAT UGLY BUBBLE”—in September 2016, December 2015 and October 15?

Yet Mr. Trump has been greeted or binged by the same BIG FAT UGLY bubble he censured! And they have even become even worse (as shown by vertical prices)!

Will Mr. Trump change or reverse his position to extol current events? Or will make good his threats to end the bubble?

More evidence that epic history is in the making!

Monday, November 21, 2016

From Brexit to Trump to Frexit? "No Chance of Winning" Frexit Leader Marine Le Pen Suddenly Grabs Lead in French Polls

Here we go again!

A few days back, Frexit "rightist" leader Ms. Marine Le Pen was again written off by pollsters as having "next to no chance" of winning the French presidential elections

Tweets from the Independent and Bloomberg.

However, everything just changed today....

From the Independent

The French elections will be held in April 23, 2017, with a run off scheduled on May 7 should the winner fail to get an outright majority

And by the way, here are coming elections in Europe...

A single win by a "populist" pro-EU exit candidate from any nation above should be enough to shake the core of the European Union.

Epic history is in the making.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chart Porn: The Chinese Yuan’s Mounting Dilemma

Epic history is in the making.

The Chinese yuan fell by another 1.1% this week to hit an eight year low.

Reports from mainstream media have constantly been implying that the yuan’s decline has been “designed”, “tolerated”, “controlled” or “premeditated” by Chinese government’s central bank, the PBoC.

However, evidences hardly seem to reinforce such claims.

Instead, the PBOC appears to be implementing interventions in its monetary-banking system which has resulted to what can be characterized as a whack-a-mole impact!

As the perspicacious ‘eurodollar’ analyst Jeffrey Snider at Alhambra Partners has repeatedly pointed out—where the PBOC attempted to fix the yuan, signs of stress erupted at China’s (or/and Hong Kong’s) interbank rates. And when the PBOC tried to restrain interbank rates, the yuan plunged. Hence, the whack a mole dynamic.

The chart above reveals of the progression of PBoC’s whack-a-mole effects from the PBoC’s actions.

Lately, the PBoC appears to have given up with controlling the yuan and or the SHIBOR.

So the pressures appear to be escalating in BOTH the yuan and the SHIBOR

And turmoil in the SHIBOR has not been limited to the very short term, but has spread throughout SHIBOR curve.

And similar stress can be seen in the above charts of the offshore yuan via Hong Kong’s HIBOR.

And all these have been occurring while the Chinese government’s treasury holdings of US Treasury have plunged…

Chart from Zero Hedge

From Bloomberg (November 17)

China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries declined to the lowest level in four years, as the world’s second-largest economy runs down its reserves to support the yuan.

The biggest foreign holder of U.S. government debt had $1.16 trillion in bonds, notes and bills in September, down $28.1 billion from the prior month, according to U.S. Treasury Department data released Wednesday in Washington and previous figures compiled by Bloomberg. That’s the lowest level since September 2012.


And as the Chinese government continues to liquidate on its US Treasury holdings in order to shore up its domestic “dollar” requirements, such liquidations have only been manifested through plummeting foreign reserves.

Chinese foreign reserves tumbled by $45.7 billion to $3.12 trillion in October (Bloomberg November 7)

Yet underneath the intensifying pressures on the monetary and banking system has been the Chinese government’s addiction to credit…


…or runaway credit comes in the face of declining economic activities!

Even mainstream media and experts have come to be cognizant of its grave perils.

From Bloomberg: (November 16)

A nine-year credit expansion meant to protect economic growth has prompted numerous warnings of impending financial trouble. China’s debt-to-gross domestic ratio reached 247 percent after expanding at the fastest pace among Group of 20 nations, according to economists Tom Orlik and Fielding Chen at Bloomberg Intelligence; such sharp increases have been known to trigger crises in other countries, they say.

The Bank for International Settlements in September used data comparing credit and GDP to warn of looming risks in China.

“Targeting economic growth and continued heavy reliance on credit to support growth means that economic leverage is unlikely to abate soon,” said Cornish. “This will increase the risks for the financial sector.”

Of course, credit money (over $2 trillion annual) has to go or be spent somewhere.

If they haven’t flowed to the general economy, then just where have they been directed at?

Well, the short answer is that it has only been fueling one bubble after another.

It began with a colossal real estate bubble….

But spread to the stock market…


Then back to real estate today when the stock market bubble imploded in 2015.

And as these asset bubbles alternately billowed, a gargantuan bond bubble (Barrons August 26 2016) has likewise been inflated

China’s bond market has been on such an epic tear in recent weeks that the central bank is scrambling to curb speculation. The first sign came Wednesday, when the PBOC injected pricier 14-day repurchase agreements into the financial system for the first time since February. It also clamped down on unruly peer-to-peer lending. The steps are aimed at mopping up excess credit - especially the cheap, short-term kind - to refocus punters on longer-term investments. It’s a tacit confirmation that China has joined U.S. Treasuries, German debt and Japanese government bonds in bubble territory.

Dynamics in China could be the most troubling of all. At first, China’s debt boom seemed a piece of a global trend, one that picked up pace in January when the Bank of Japan joined the European Central Bank in engineering negative rates. Yet a rising number of mainland defaults should be driving credit spreads in the opposite direction. The same goes for regulatory crackdowns on credit and wealth-management products, moves that suggest growing alarm over threats to the national balance sheet.

Increasingly, though, banks have been plowing short-term borrowings normally used for daily cash needs into markets and offering it to investors. Much of it has flowed into bonds amid concerns about shaky stock values. The upshot has been a ramping up of leverage in the $8.5 trillion bond arena, as evidenced by 10-year yields in the neighborhood of 2.6%.

The bond bubble is another reminder of how painfully slow President Xi Jinping has been to recalibrate growth engines. While moves to swap debt for equity and securitizing bad loans garnered banner headlines, in practice they’ve just enabled politically-connected highly-indebted companies and local governments with bailouts. That also helps keep corporate yields down. Moral hazard risks, in other words, have only increased this year.

Also since stocks and bonds were not enough, the tidal wave of credit induced the Chinese to also indulge in manic speculations on commodities

From the Financial Times (April 27)

In the past month near mania has gripped China’s commodity futures markets with day traders and yield-hungry wealth managers pouring into a lightly regulated sector, often with astonishing results.

Daily trading volumes in some commodity futures contracts such as iron ore have been so large that sometimes they have exceeded China’s annual imports. Turnover in Shanghai steel futures one day last week eclipsed all of the shares traded on China’s equity markets.

Alarmed by the surge in trading, which has parallels with the lead-up to last year’s equity market meltdown, Chinese exchanges have moved quickly to increase transaction fees and margin requirements on future contracts to cool some of the speculative ardour.

While this has removed some of the froth from prices, it is not clear whether it will deter the new band of investors that turned away from equity markets after draconian rules were imposed last year. At the same time, Beijing wants to place China at the centre of global commodity markets with prices determined and settled in renminbi.

All of this could have far-reaching consequences for the way raw materials are priced and risks driving up the cost of commodities that are the building blocks of the global economy.

Here is the titanic speculative ramp on commodities as shown in the updated chart provided by the Zero Hedge

Massive credit creation already implies of a weaker yuan. Add to these significant numbers of people who would want to move capital out of China. Such capital flight may be due to political conflicts or economic difficulties or concerns over the economic repercussions from asset bubbles or a combination thereof.

More importantly, economic predicaments translate to the deepening of financial system’s balance sheet ordeals, which have only magnified pressures from excessive (but still ballooning) indebtedness, particularly for US dollar liability exposures. Leverage based on wholesale finance adapted by the financial system has further compounded or aggravated on the system’s US dollar woes.

So all these have been expressive of mounting financial (bubbles) and monetary strains as the real economy struggles (or artificially inflated by trillions or a tsunami of credit)

Strains, incidentally, which seems to be compounding on China’s (as well as the world’s) “dollar shorts” conundrum.

And progressing strains has now been ventilated in the escalating plunge of the yuan and the coincidental-correlational spikes in interbank rates.

And it would appear that the PBoC has been left out in the cold.

As Mr. Snider warned

The PBOC no longer holds SHIBOR steady, but the results are the same. China found itself with only growing unrest to the point of chaos in its RMB markets due to the “dollar” and that disorder spread out in waves to other places around the globe. The processes and symptoms are all the same; a consistency you just won’t find in mainstream commentary. Again, as noted earlier, the “rising dollar” is a euphemism for a more acute “dollar” shortage, one that ebbs and flows. This looks more and more like another global “flow” – “dollar”, not Trump.

Once again, the seeming transmission process from the present periphery (China and emerging markets’ currency, bonds and precious metals) to the eventual core (developed economies).

Epic history is in the making.

Philippine Uni-Comm Bank Lending in 2024: Why Milestone Bank Credit Expansion and Systemic Leveraging Extrapolates to Mounting Systemic Fragility

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